Micom_Electric/ARM_STM32 2014. 1. 25. 14:55

STM32F4 보드에서

NETMF 사용시 기본 

공용에서 제공하는 

GPIO_A 포트외를

사용하고 싶을 경우

How to use this peripherials: 

 (see Tutorials tab) 


How use STM32F4-Discovery devices in C# ?


using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.STM32F4; 

Common peripherials such as SPI, AnalogInput, AnalogOutput, PWM etc. are common to all solutions (boards). 


NETMF for STM32 (F4 Edition)

You can find NETMF for STM32 (F4 Edition), for NETMF 4.2, at this Codeplex site. Note that it can also be used for STM32F2 chips, you just need other project settings (compiler options), as the F2 chips have no floating-point units.

The following document provides an overview over NETMF porting in general, and the F4 Edition in particular:


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