Micom_Electric/CAN 2013. 11. 2. 22:40

C# source modify






CAN 통신 모니터 :: 

USB2CAN - Open source : convert to AVR

USB및 PIC으로 구동되는 무료 오픈 소스 CAN 모니터 소프트웨어와 하드웨어

==> 시리얼및 ATmega로 변환한 프로그램

RS232 & AVR Ported CAN source



CAN232 Download

Latest Documents:

The CAN232 ASCII manual includes all commands for setting up CAN232 though RS232 and send and receive CAN  frames through RS232.


USBtin - Simple USB to CAN interface

USBtinUSBtin is a simple to build USB to CAN interface. It can monitor CAN busses and transmit CAN messages. The common CAN baud rates are supported. USBtin implements the USB CDC class and creates a virtual comport on the host computer. The interface is controlled with simple commands over this serial port.


posted by 털보네i