==> convert from Tistory to WordPress done
==> Use your own WEB server by installing APM
Convert / move : tistory - WordPress - Google blogger
1. Tistory --> WordPress : Back up your 'TISTORY' into XML file
2. Setup APM server on your desktop : http://yslife.tistory.com/275
2.1 : APM setup 32bit (works on 64bit too) - http://dev.naver.com/projects/apmsetup/download/1877?filename=APMSETUP7_2010010300.exe
2.2 It will install : Aphach / PHP / MYSQL
2.3 Create DB at : ( default ID=root / PW = apmsetup)
type in a name & make : ex) wordpress
2.4 : download :wordpress http://wordpress.org/download/
2.5 unzip 'wordpress' under C:\APM_SETUP/htdocs
2.6 rename : wp-config-sample.php -> wp-config.php
and modify DB name/user ID / password
2.7 Install WordPress
using this import TISTORY.XML option at web link
3.2 DashBoard - Tool - Export - All
3.3 Convert to 'BLOGGER' XML
- if less than 1M byte ; use http://wordpress2blogger.appspot.com/
- or BIG ?? down and run it on your computer :
4. At Google Blogger : import above converted file - done