2012. 12. 18. 23:20
Project Description
The 'netduino Helpers' is a C# library providing hardware drivers and utility classes supporting the following:
- Analog joysticks
- Interrupt-driven push-button
- Real-time clock (DS1307)
- 8*8 LED matrix
- AdaFruit ILI932x TFT display
- AdaFruit SSD1306 OLED display
- AdaFruit ST7735 TFT display
- AdaFruit VC0706 Camera
- AdaFruit ST7565 Negative LCD display
- AdaFruit LPD8806 LED strip driver
- Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F Distance Measuring Sensor
- Shift registers (74hc595)
- Runtime assembly & resource loader
- Bitmaps & Bitmap Compositions
- HiTec HS6635HB servo driver
- Serial Interface Builder
- LED matrix driver (Maxim7219 or compatible)
- RTTL sound support (ringtones)
- Variable / Fixed type font rendering
- 16x16 icon rendering
- Basic type serialization / deserialization
- Trigonometry library (exMath-based)
- Lightweight JSON parser (parsing from stream & string)
- Virtual Memory support
- PIX-6T4 console bootloader and games
This is a work in progress as more drivers and functions will be added as the need arises.
The library is now available as source-code only.
Last edited Jan 22 at 9:19 PM by FabienRoyer, version 24