Micom_Electric/CAD 강좌 2012. 2. 14. 15:15
거버 합치기 - GerbMerge ==> 영어로는 panelize


합칠 대상 화이을 cfg 화일의 끝에 추가

# You can set any options you like to make generating filenames easier, like
# Prefix. This is just a helper option, not a reserved name. Note, however,
# that you must write %(prefix)s below, in ALL LOWERCASE.
# Note how we are making use of the 'projdir' string defined way up at the top
# in the [DEFAULT] section to save some typing. By setting 'projdir=somedir'
# the expression '%(projdir)s/proj1' expands to 'somedir/proj1'.

# List all the layers that participate in this job. Required layers are Drills
# and BoardOutline and have no '*' at the beginning.  Optional layers have
# names chosen by you and begin with '*'. You should choose consistent layer
# names across all jobs.

# If this job does not have drill tool sizes embedded in the Excellon file, it
# needs to have a separate tool list file that maps tool names (e.g., 'T01') to
# tool diameter. This may be the global tool list specified in the [Options]
# section with the ToolList parameter. If this job doesn't have embedded tool
# sizes, and uses a different tool list than the global one, you can specify it
# here.

# If this job has a different ExcellonDecimals setting than the global setting
# in the [Options] section above, it can be overridden here.
#ExcellonDecimals = 3

# You can set a 'Repeat' parameter for this job when using automatic placement
# (i.e., no *.def file) to indicate how many times this job should appear in
# the final panel. When using manual placement, this option is ignored.
#Repeat = 5
# the expression '%(projdir)s/proj1' expands to 'somedir/proj1'.
# List all the layers that participate in this job. Required layers are Drills
# the expression '%(projdir)s/proj1' expands to 'somedir/proj1'.
# List all the layers that participate in this job. Required layers are Drills
# the expression '%(projdir)s/proj1' expands to 'somedir/proj1'.
# List all the layers that participate in this job. Required layers are Drills
posted by 털보네i