2011. 7. 18. 15:17
검색 : http://www.google.co.kr/#q=current+sensing+circuit&hl=ko&newwindow=1&prmd=ivns&ei=Hc8jTsigNIP5mAW-u42pAw&start=20&sa=N&fp=52edb59662bf9a4e&biw=870&bih=632
Traditional High-Side MonitorUntil recently, the many implementations of these two approaches were based on discrete components or semidiscrete circuitry. In their simplest form, such high-side monitors require a precision op amp and a handful of precision resistors. One common approach for high-side measurements has been the use of the classic differential amplifier, which is employed as a gain amplifier and a level shifter from the high side to ground (Figure 4). Though widely used, this discrete circuit has three major disadvantages:
Figure 4. The differential amplifier is a basic component in high-side current measurements.
검색 : http://www.google.co.kr/#q=current+sensing+circuit&hl=ko&newwindow=1&prmd=ivns&ei=Hc8jTsigNIP5mAW-u42pAw&start=20&sa=N&fp=52edb59662bf9a4e&biw=870&bih=632
참고 : Diff OP amp : http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/opamp/opamp_5.html
Traditional High-Side MonitorUntil recently, the many implementations of these two approaches were based on discrete components or semidiscrete circuitry. In their simplest form, such high-side monitors require a precision op amp and a handful of precision resistors. One common approach for high-side measurements has been the use of the classic differential amplifier, which is employed as a gain amplifier and a level shifter from the high side to ground (Figure 4). Though widely used, this discrete circuit has three major disadvantages:
- Input resistance (equal to R1) is relative low.
- Inputs usually exhibit a large difference in input resistance.
- Resistors must be very well matched to obtain an acceptable common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR): A 0.01% deviation in any resistor value lowers the CMRR to 86dB, a 0.1% deviation lowers it to 66dB, and a 1% deviation lowers it to 46dB.

Figure 4. The differential amplifier is a basic component in high-side current measurements.