자동차 2014. 9. 11. 22:50



MDF or Measurement Data Format is a file format that was developed by Vector and Bosch for use in the automotive industry. Some applications that use MDF files are Vector CANape and ETAS Inca. Kvaser CAN Logger (MDF 3.2) files apparently also work. This project seeks to develop software that is able to read and write the MDF data files. I have an alternative MDF viewer called SDF Viewer located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdflib . The SDF Viewer will show all samples without interpolation and is a much better charting tool in general. The MDF Viewer has better support for batch exports.

MDF file - mdfreader

이 페이지 번역하기
2002. 11. 15. - structure of the MDF file and the various block types. Chapter 4 ... Changes in the MDF format that may result in a misinterpretation of the data require a change of .... ”ETAS”. Project name. ”Projekt XZ45”. Measurement object.



MDF Measurement Data File Reader


CAN Logger Configuration / File Conversion Utility


posted by 털보네i